Dr. Deborah Vlatkovic - Psychologist - Psychotherapist

Registered in the Register of Psychologists of Lombardy No. 22361

VAT number: 11621520961

Psychologist - Psychotherapist Dr. Deborah Vlatkovic


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What can you expect from our sessions

I will welcome you in a safe, empathetic, and nonjudgmental space: you will be the center of our sessions and I will be there to listen to you. Together we will learn about and accept your experience. We will explore your emotions and how they affect your present. I will help you recognize the innate inner capacities that can motivate you to change and grow in the direction you most desire.


I myself grew up struggling with the comparison trap. I never felt I was enough and masked my fears with perfectionism. Through my journey to self-compassion, I learned that it is not life itself, but our stories and beliefs that keep us from growing and changing.


We all deserve to be seen and heard. We all struggle. And none of us is immune to feelings of loss, depression, anxiety, grief, and fear.


I am here to help you normalize your mental well-being. You will learn that feeling imperfectly human can guide us through the ups and downs of life with less shame and more authenticity.

Moving past trauma with EMDR therapy


EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. In fact, in EMDR therapy, the patient's trauma is desensitized and reprocessed through a special technique involving eye movements. It is an approach recognized by major institutional bodies for the management and coping with posttraumatic events. The main ones are the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, the Italian Ministry of Health, and the World Health Organization.


What types of trauma can you process with EMDR therapy?


This therapeutic approach can help you to interpret and overcome more or less severe traumatic situations that occur throughout the life cycle. These can be related to situations:


  • distress during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood
  • loss of loved ones or abandonment
  • abuse of various kinds
  • trauma resulting from accidents on the road, in the workplace, or caused by natural disasters
  • eating disorders
  • stress generated by post-traumatic disorders


How can EMDR therapy help you?


EMDR therapy assumes that as we experience a traumatic event, negative emotions, and physical perceptions settle in our brains. They stay there like an imprint and until they are processed, they continue to generate distress. In severe cases, they can also generate more serious psychological disorders. If not processed, these "imprints" can trigger and nurture uncomfortable situations that prevent the peaceful conduct of daily life even many years later.


The goal of EMDR therapy is to defuse the negative emotional charge related to the memory and perceptions of trauma through the stimulation of eye movements. The therapist can then lead you to step by step in reprocessing the negative events to interpret them with new patterns.


At the end of the process, you will recognize that that single traumatic event is related to your past, and you will have learned to experience it with detachment, without it obstructing your present.

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